Vidhyadeep Homoeopathic Medical College And Research Centre

Managed by Vidhyadeep University

Mission & Vision

To be a center of excellence in Homoeopathic Medical Education and Research. To be progressive…

About Homoeopathy

We are offering Homoeopathy as a serious alternative to conventional medicine. We mainly focus on…

Admission in Homoeopathy

In the Homoeopathy (Degree Course) Regulations, 1983 (here in after referred to as the said regulations),…

Contact us

Phone Number: +91 63511 13155
Address: AT & PO :- Anita, Kim-Olpad Highway, Surat, Gujarat 394110 India


Homoeopathy is a scientific system of medicine. It was conceived in 1796 by the German physician Samuel Hahnemann. Its practitioners, called homoeopaths, believe that a substance that causes symptoms of a disease in healthy people can cure similar symptoms in sick people; this doctrine is called “similia similibus curentur”, or “like cures like”.

We mainly focus on diseases that are very challenging to the medical world. Homoeopathic system of medicine is very effective in both acute and chronic diseases. Hence we take it as a challenge to treat with a very high degree of success a simple cold to a complex cancer.

Homoeopathy has changed the lives of many of the individuals and families those who have lost hope completely because of their diseases. Our effort always has been to keep up to the expectations of the hope of our Patients and we are confident enough that we will never let them down.

Principal & Medical Superintendent

Affiliation & Recognition