Vidhyadeep Homoeopathic Medical College And Research Centre

Managed by Vidhyadeep University

Mission & Vision

To be a center of excellence in Homoeopathic Medical Education and Research. To be progressive…

About Homoeopathy

We are offering Homoeopathy as a serious alternative to conventional medicine. We mainly focus on…

Admission in Homoeopathy

In the Homoeopathy (Degree Course) Regulations, 1983 (here in after referred to as the said regulations),…

Contact us

Phone Number: +91 63511 13155
Address: AT & PO :- Anita, Kim-Olpad Highway, Surat, Gujarat 394110 India

Educational Visit to Industry to Understand Industrial Hazards

Co-Ordinator Name

Dr. Mona Shah and Dr. Maitri Shah




Pragati Glass PVT LTD, Kharach, Kosamba

Details of the Program

Industrial hazards encountered are fire, explosion, toxic release, and environmental damage. This is because industries employ many different processes involving a wide range of different raw materials, intermediates, waste products and final products.
On 14th oct 2022 , from department of community medicine visit to the Industry Pragati glass PVT LTD for the students of 4th BHMS. The students understood the types of occupational disease and how it can prevent.
We reached there & then 2 staff member of HR team gave brief knowledge about how they make a glass bottle in different size and shape. They divided students in 4 groups and with one group one manager came with group to visit the industry.
All staff of industry were very supportive and calm they explained everything in detail. At the end they gave cold drink for refreshment.

Photographs of the event

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